Freya Pharma Solutions at the 25th ESSM Congress
The Chief Medical Officer of Freya Pharma Solutions, Jan van der Mooren, attended the 25th European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM) congress in Italy in February. There he had the opportunity to share and learn from a wide range of specialists in sexual medicine. Read his thoughts below:
The ESSM 2024 congress in Bari, Italy, was undoubtedly, a great success!
As their Chief Medical Officer, I am very proud to have represented Freya Pharma Solutions as one of the Premium Partners of the congress, where we sponsored a very well attended round table on “Low desire from a female, male and couple perspective”, with presentations from internationally renowned speakers Prof. Annamaria Giraldi, Prof. Cobi Reisman, Dr. Marieke Dewitte, and Dr. Shelly Varod, and chaired by Prof. Giovanni Corona and Dr. Elisa Maseroli.

Freya Pharma’s innovation Lybrido™, a dual release combination tablet containing testosterone for sublingual administration, and sildenafil for oral administration, was presented as a very promising future treatment for women diagnosed with Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder (FSIAD) or Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD). It was very encouraging to experience from the healthcare practitioners involved in the care of women suffering from FSIAD/HSDD, how much they embrace the development and future launch of Lybrido™ in a market with no registered drugs in Europe and only two drugs available in the USA. The latter having an efficacy/tolerance profile that is questioned by many.

I look forward to meeting you at the ESSM congress in Vienna next year, where we will update you on the progress of our upcoming confirmatory clinical trial ALETTA, testing Lybrido™ in premenopausal women diagnosed with acquired, generalized FSIAD, in Europe.
Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up to date with the team, Lybrido™, and the upcoming confirmatory clinical trial ALETTA.